Most tissue sections in an aqueous medium, pH 5-7 carry negative charges. So, sections tend to adhere well to a glass slide if it is treated in such a way as to make it positively charged. The modification is usually accomplished either by coating the slide with a basic polymer or by a chemical reaction that leaves amino groups linked by covalent bonds to the silicon atoms of the glass. Polylysine is a commonly used basic polymer, having high pKa for an amino group and consequently polylysine is positively charged even in moderately alkaline media. Polylysine is applied to slides as an aqueous solution, which is then allowed to dry by evaporations. PathnSitu offers high quality, pre cleaned, ready to use charged slides. The frosted part on the slide allows user to write important information with glass slide marker resistant to xylene and alcohol. There is no need to edge the slides with diamond pencil as identifier. The technologically advanced method used to positively charge the slides resulted in better adherence and sections tend to stick even on high temperature and pressure during antigen retrieval. The high quality glass helps in better viewing of the stained images under microscope.
Most tissue sections in an aqueous medium, pH 5-7 carry negative charges. So, sections tend to adhere well to a glass slide if it is treated in such a way as to make it positively charged. The modification is usually accomplished either by coating the slide with a basic polymer or by a chemical reaction that leaves amino groups linked by covalent bonds to the silicon atoms of the glass. Polylysine is a commonly used basic polymer, having high pKa for an amino group and consequently polylysine is positively charged even in moderately alkaline media. Polylysine is applied to slides as an aqueous solution, which is then allowed to dry by evaporations. PathnSitu offers high quality, pre cleaned, ready to use charged slides. The frosted part on the slide allows user to write important information with glass slide marker resistant to xylene and alcohol. There is no need to edge the slides with diamond pencil as identifier. The technologically advanced method used to positively charge the slides resulted in better adherence and sections tend to stick even on high temperature and pressure during antigen retrieval. The high quality glass helps in better viewing of the stained images under microscope.